Monday, June 26, 2023

Beware of Large Grey Vehicles on a Neutral Background

 I was headed home from the Plaza Pride celebration on Saturday. Got to the stop sign at the end of West San Francisco where it meets Paseo de Peralta, looked both ways while slowly moving forward, preparing to make the left and continue onto Camino de las Crucitas. That left turn from W. San Francisco can be a PIA in busy traffic. So, not seeing a vehicle, I jumped and started into the intersection while again looking both ways a second time. 

Whoops! Somehow, a large grey SUV on my left escaped my first notice. The motorist quickly slowed as I also hit both brakes, fortunately being Avid BB-7 disks. I brought the bicycle to a stop with the rear wheel a couple feet off the pavement, stabilized with my right foot on the ground, slightly to the right of the SUV's line of travel.

Needless to say we were both startled. I waved him by and apologized for my oversight. No harsh words or fickle fingers of hate were expended.

 Whew. Check twice, proceed once. Going through the same intersection today, I noticed a large bush on my left that screens some of Peralta, given it is a curve. I think that explains my goof. I looked to my left before I cleared a line of sight past the shrubbery! Remember, when it comes to staying alive in traffic, all the details matter!

Note the car about to disappear from my camera's line of sight as it enters the part of the right lane screened by the foliage.


Don't ever let a flag hit the ground. I almost made that mistake.
And dear NMDoT. I'll pass on more shrubbery.


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