Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Albuquerque P.D. issues warrant for the suspect in the hit and run death of Chuck Malagodi


APD Looking for Suspect in Fatal Hit and Run of Bicyclist

ALBUQUERQUE – The Albuquerque Police Department has issued a warrant for a man now charged in a fatal hit and run crash.

24 year-old Jose Ivan Rios Sanchez has been charged with Knowingly Leaving the Scene of an Accident Resulting in Death, and Careless Driving.

On January 19, 2025, APD's Fatal Crash Team was called to crash in the area of Carlisle and Kathryn Ave. SE involving a bicyclist and a white Dodge Ram. The truck had fled the scene and the cyclist, identified as Charles Malagodi, was located deceased in the road.

Witnesses stated they observed the driver of the truck narrowly miss a collision with another vehicle before losing control and almost driving into a park. Shortly after, they saw the driver continue eastbound on Kathryn and strike the bicyclist.

The driver then was seen fleeing the area after driving around the bicyclist lying in the road. The license plate was captured on photos provided to officers and they were able to track the vehicle to Sanchez. Through surveillance video of the driver, investigators were able to tie Sanchez to the scene of the crash.

Sanchez is currently wanted. Anyone with information about his whereabouts is urged to call (505)-242-COPS or they can report anonymously to Crime Stoppers at (505)-843-STOP (7867) or to p3tips.com/531.


Deputy Director of Communications & Marketing

m 505.977.0481


Monday, February 10, 2025

Canada Rincon Trail Is Finished. Ribbon cutting on (oops) Friday.


From the city press release: The ribbon cutting for the Canada Rincon Trail will take place on Friday, February 14 at 11 a.m. at 1597 Avenida Rincon (intersection of Avenida Rincon and Canada Rincon Trail). Mayor Webber, Councilors Castro and Lindell, Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) Chair and members, Santa Fe Metropolitan Planning Organization (SFMPO), Parks, and The Reserve Condominium Board Members are expected to be in attendance. Refreshments will be provided.

 This little trail segment opens up Calle Mejia as a way to get past the gated community at the north end of Calle Mejia and continue north into a great deal of bicycle friendly roads to the N and W of the city, including the roads around Tano and connections out to Las Campanas. Of course it also means those living north of the gated community can use the trail to connect to the city via Calle Mejia riding south.

 To get there from the south, proceed to the intersection of Alamo Drive and Calle Mejia, just a few feet west of the intersection of Alamo Drive and US 84/285 (St. Francis Drive). Head north on Calle Mejia, past The Lodge at Santa Fe. Eventually you will get to a gate at The Reserve at Santa Fe, a condo association. This gated community used to make Mejia an effective dead end. 


Blue line approximates Calle Mejia, which leads to Canada Rincon Trail from Alamo Drive

 Just as you arrive at the gated community, look to the right of the little traffic circle and there is the South end of the Canada Rincon Trail.

Little traffic circle and condo gates dead ahead. Canada Rincon trail end to your right.

The Trail loops to the right of the condo association along an arroyo that runs between Calle Mejia and US 84/29-85. The arroyo can be seen in the first photo just to the right of the blue line I added. The trail lets you get up to Camino Francesca and beyond. Those cyclists riding south can catch the trail a few yards east of where Camino Francesca hits that t-intersection where Camino Francesca and Avenida Rincon come together. See below. Blue pencil line is approximately where the trail loops around the condos.

 When I clicked the link on the city press release for "1597 Avenida Rincon" it put me over by the NM 599 overpass. But that's nowhere near the trail. But at any rate, the north end of the trail is near the t-intersection below.

Approximate location of the trail as it bypasses the gated community

Nice, wide paved trail


North end of paved trail

North end of trail is at a T intersection where Francesca turns north and Rincon goes east