Monday, January 29, 2018

Bike and Biker Day at the Capitol

NMMRO Co-Chairs Annette Torrez and Ray Gallegos 
addressing the crowd.
Click on photo for full size picture.
The Saturday rally was a good one. We had a decent turnout of folks from the lycra crowd and got a lot of recognition from the moto crowd. Recent crash victim and bike pro Irena Ossola of Santa Fe gave a compelling talk, after an intro from Jennifer Buntz (Duke City Wheelmen). Ann Overstreet (BikeABQ) and Diane Albert were recognized for making the food possible and Tony Farrar, owner of NM Bike N Sport, sponsored us as his shop is a great location to meet and then easily, for non-Fanta Seans, get to the Capitol as well as the Railyard. The moto crowd was sponsored and fed by Santa Fe Harley-Davidson.

I'm having trouble typing as I speared my left index finger while spazzing at something, and keep making mistakes. Have a great day.


Steve A said...

If your finger condition continues, you might want to consult a chiropractor. Our dog's shoulder improved markedly when we took him to a veterinary chiropractor. We DID get a favorable rate since our daughter was a co-student. BTW, our dog's shoulder condition wasn't due to spazzing out; it was due to jamming it while chasing a ball.

Steve A said...

What IS the "Turquoise Trail?"