Wednesday, November 18, 2020

A New Entrance to the La Tierra Trails, But Please Don't Be an Asshole

 As I was heading to the Tierra Trails this afternoon for a quick bit of mental health therapy on the mountain bike, I noticed a new bit of trail that connects to La Tierra trails from just to the west of the Frank Ortiz Dog Park. Riding west from the city and past the dog park on Camino de las Crucitas, just about fifty or so feet before you are about to veer right onto Buckman Road, there is a small trailhead that cuts to the right and marked by a white signpost. That small trail alleviates the need to ride on the roads until you get to the trail entrances on Camino de las Montoyas. The trail wanders hither and yon with some serious whoop de dos until you get to the trail crossing onto the concrete trailhead just to the east of the NM 599 intersection. Chapeau to the trail builders and I suspect Tim Rogers had something to do with this.

Trailhead sign to your right as you are riding west on Camino de las Crucitas, just past the dog park parking lot entrance on Crucitas and about fifty feet before the Buckman Road turn.

That all said, it is busy out there. I ran into about a dozen cyclists in my seven mile dirt circuit, which is a lot for me to run into on a weekday. One almost ran me over as I stopped to yield the trail to a couple walking their dog. So please, as Miss Manners in the Cycling Independent reminds us, don't be an asshole out there. The hospitals are full enough already and you don't need to add to the gang needing a bed. A lot of people are out trying to get some air, mental health, and exercise during this lockdown and we need to respect each other's space. Bottom line, be careful and courteous out there, leave a little more room for error, and save the "hold my beer" stunts for next year.

Indeed, the new bit of trail is narrow, with few places to yield, and a tad technical in places. I nearly had a kiss and tell moment tonight (Friday) with two oncoming riders but fortunately, we were all holding some speed back to account for oncoming traffic. Be careful and considerate out there.

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