Sunday, March 31, 2013

Long Distance Rider looking for cycling partner for Great Divide, ABQ to Steamboat, June/July 2013

Anyone interested please contact Scot directly at the email down below.

I just posted the following to crazyguyonabike, but might as well see if any ABQers are interested who don't frequent that site...any replies most obliged....

I've put this ride off long enough, and will be eschewing my now-typical "spend tons of money riding the cycling autobahns of Europe" model this year. The plan is to ride out my front door in Albuquerque to Steamboat Springs, using the Great Divide MBR from Cuba, NM north.

I'm used to riding solo, but this tour needs a partner, but not one of those "you must stick together 24/7 and talk the whole way things." Periodic contact, help when needed and plenty of space is what I've looking for, someone who might ride to the next village when Scot busts a clavicle..that sort of thing.

I'm a teacher whose last day is May 23rd or so (school snow days permitting), and am leaving a window of roughly June 1 (mtn. snows permitting) to July 30 to get this done. I'm guessing it will take about four weeks for me, and I'm free for any stretch anywhere in that 6.1./7.30 window.

I'll be "training" with some off-road rides in coming weeks, but this won't be one of those Leadville 100 crazy-ass shindigs. Steady progress up, careful descents and lots of time to stare at the beauty of it all. Camping primarily, but with divey motel splurges when offered.

Those interested in starting with me in ABQ have a free place to stay, obviously. Those wishing to meet further along...that'll work, too.

scot key
abq, nm usa
jscotkey (at) gmail (dot) com

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