This is a heads-up for the Santa Fe Rail Trail closure at St. Michael’s Drive, 2nd Street and Siringo Rd TENTATIVELY scheduled from 10/30 through 11/10, 2023. This may change a bit as the city, consultant, and state are still working out some details.
The city consultants working on the St. Michael’s Drive-Rail Trail Underpass Project will be conducting geological auger boring for subsurface sampling, which is needed for designing the tunnel project.
Although there will not be any construction or demolition for this work, the Rail Trail @ St. Mike’s, 2nd Street and Siringo Rd needs to be closed during drilling operations for safety reason (see map for location). A truck mounted drill rig, CME 55 (see photo), will be driven over the designated boring locations and drill down at desired depths, blocking parts of the trail.
The detour is pretty much what it was a couple months ago, using W. San Mateo, Calle Lorca, and Siringo to loop around the construction.
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