Thursday, November 23, 2017


"Captives' Knoll". The three rock outcrops remind me of Madonna and Child due to the curling over of the top of the rock towards something in its center (l), Ganesh, as there looks like the head of an elephant embedded in the rock (c), and a Zen deity due to the tree growing out of the rock (r).

 Lots to be thankful for this year. For one thing, it is not 2016 any more, which was the year I spent half the months in stiches or casts. Plus, there was the minor issue of That Election. So on the annual Thanksgiving ride, this year done on the double boinger, I stopped at my usual contemplative place in Bayo Canyon, the little knoll I refer to as the Captives' Knoll (because the rocks remind me of Michelangelo's Captives) to spend a few minutes in reflective solitude, thanking Providence, the stars, recent supernovae, the family dogs, and whoever/whatever else out there one must thank, for a good year.

First, I'm thankful for celebrating 30 years with My Better Half, which proves that a Blue Dog Democrat (me) and a Progressive can live under the same roof. As long as we don't discuss gun control...

Secondly, I want to thank surgeons Rodney Barker and Sean Marvel for reattaching various moving parts and then sewing me up when I was broken, which was how I spent much of 2016.

Third, I want to thank whoever one thanks for bringing me in contact with that long lost brother Rich, who my parents had adopted out in 1959 when I was a mere sprout. I knew he existed but had no idea of the details of his existence other than that my parents shipped me off to Uncle Joe's for a summer and when I got back, mom was not pregnant and my parents gave me a puppy. I knew something was rotten in Denmark or in that case, Buffalo. Thanks to both Rich and my nephew Nick who, for unrelated reasons, each got one of those mail-order DNA tests and didn't check the "privacy box". So we four (five, if you count David, me, Rich, Steve, and John) were all eventually reunited. Interestingly, although Rich and I never met, we both turn out to be avid bicyclists, motorcyclists, gun nuts, politically left of center, and  have advanced degrees. Go figure...must be genetics.

Forth, I want to thank Randy and the rest of the Classification Group for offering me a welcome place to land when I decided to change jobs. Its been a riot.

There are too many other folks to think of right now, including work buddies, family, friends, the folks at the Maddogmedia Pickle Barrel, and those elsewhere, including Daniel Webster and Cassandra Crifasi at Johns Hopkins and Adam Winkler at UCLA who always make time to answer my emails when I bug them about things they research as scholars and which I look into as a rank amateur doing a one-man Statler and Waldorf Act. And others. Given that its almost time to take the fake turkey out of the oven, it is therefore time to hit "post" and get back to work on Turkey Day Enterprises.

Be well, all, and go ride your bikes.

I can see why Oppenheimer loved this place


Pat O'Brien said...

Happy Thanksgiving Khal and Mena from Pat and Sandy O'Brien. That was a nice read, and I am glad the docs were able to put all your bits and pieces back where they belong and get you back on the road. Speaking of Señor Mad Dog, we (you and me anyway) need to get some kind of ride going this spring down in Duke City for the folks hanging around his pickle barrel, as you so beautifully put it. Nothing fancy. Just a ride or two where we meet in one place, ride, and then eat, drink, and fling bullshit. The Paseo del Bosque ride would be a good one. A nice, no drop, 30 miles should satisfy any level of rider. Then maybe a dirt ride the second day up in the foothills around Chez Dog? What do you think?

Khal said...

That ride in and around the Duke City sounds like a splendid idea.

JerryM said...

Hey... is that a 26 inch wheeled mtb? I thought they were deemed obsolete and totally unacceptable for anything useful? (just kidding) Anyone seeing you will laugh you off the trail. Actually, I have one of those too :-)

I also did a ride today and did a really respectable time (for me) around the loop. For about 3 seconds, I thought about doing the ride from Omega Bridge to arrive at 1200 at the ski lodge, but when I realized I'd have to leave home using a light, I decided against it... ha ha ha ha. I just keep getting slower...

Anonymous said...

I wish to transmogrify me and bike here for these fine views and sunshine! Happy Thanksgiving all of you! Volunteered at Whiteaker community thanksgiving dinner at Eugene, 2500 folks, superb musicians and food, much of foods prepped by community college culinary students. Great event, info online.